[vsnet-alert 22326] ASASSN-18ps

Kojiguchi Naoto kojiguchi at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jul 21 02:47:38 JST 2018


    According to Gaia DR2, this object is not detected and a neighbor 
star of this object is detected at g=21.2.
This result is showed that the object has large outburst amplitudes.
Therefore, this object is a WZ Sge-type candidate.

ASASSN-18ps		-------	18:41:2.14	-57:21:5.4	2018-07-17.15	14.61	SDSS	DSS 
VIZIER	-------	bright CV candidate, matches to Guide Star j=22.2; V>17.9 
on 2018-07-14.25, g=17.8 on 2018-07-15.24, V=14.6 on 2018-07-17.16, 
g=15.3 on 2018-07-19.81, V=15.4 on 2018-07-20.27.

20180714.25 <179V ASN
20180715.24 178g ASN
20180717.16 146V ASN
20180719.81 153g ASN
20180720.27 154V ASN

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