[vsnet-alert 22368] ASASSN-18ey = MAXI J1820+070: appearance of secondary maximum

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Aug 3 11:32:29 JST 2018

ASASSN-18ey = MAXI J1820+070: appearance of secondary maximum

   Starting from Aug. 23, it looks like that a secondary
maximum prior to the main peak (phase about -0.3)
has become prominent.  This change in profile may
suggest the change in the disk structure.
Please remind that in V518 Per (GRO J0422+32),
orbital modulations were the most prominent signal
during the late phase of the outburst.  The present
feature may be related to such a transition.

   A summary of observations will be reported by

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