[vsnet-alert 22419] Re: Bl3-6 brightening

bmonard at mweb.co.za bmonard at mweb.co.za
Fri Aug 17 15:35:30 JST 2018

This object has been seen around 16.3V +/- 0.3 since regular symbiotic star observations started at the Bronberg Observatory in 2004. The first sign of the present outburst was noted on 2/8/2018 from observations in Ic.

Due to the nearness of a brighter star to its East, precise photometry in V during the normal state is quite difficult with small telescopes.

Herewith some recent photometry:

JD  //  CCD-V	CCD-Ic  

2458242.52		12.19
2458261.49		12.24
2458305.40	16.30	12.04
2458333.25		11.56
2458346.37	14.87	11.52
2458346.44	14.74	11.51

Berto Monard / Kleinkaroo Observatory

----- Original Message -----
From: "Taichi Kato" <tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
To: "variable star forum" <variable_star_forum at yahoogroups.com>, vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp, vsnet-alert at yahoogroups.com, vsnet-campaign-symbio at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 3:03:24 AM
Subject: [vsnet-alert 22416] Bl3-6 brightening

Bl3-6 brightening

   ZAND star.

Gaia18cfa	AT2018fdg	2018-08-13 21:02:06	268.23463	-31.32183	13.40	14.07	0.08	unknown	2018-08-16 10:08:23	0.6 mag increase on known symbiotic star IRAS 17496-3120

175256.739 -311918.14 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_4055694255683776000 plx=2.440(0.828) dismod=8.1 pmra=-0.205(1.207) pmdec=-4.703(1.010) G=18.904 BP=- RP=-
2MASS 175256.313 -311918.39 (2000.0) 10.030 8.866 8.382

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