[vsnet-alert 22534] ASASSN-18vn rapidly brightening (from Stanek)

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Sep 15 13:06:12 JST 2018

ASASSN-18vn rapidly brightening (from Stanek)

034328.971 -525606.76 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_4732859041692735232 plx=3.007(0.297) dismod=7.6 pmra=3.483(0.626) pmdec=16.371(0.701) G=19.382 BP=19.341 RP=19.042

   Peak mag = 12 or brighter is expected.  Time-resolved
photometry is urgently requested.


ASASSN-18vn continues its rapid brightening:

                                 g or V

2458372.90630   2018-09-11.4049474      bj      1.59    17.902  >17.902 99.990  0.128   0.050
2458373.47445   2018-09-11.9730743      bn      2.01    18.867  >18.867 99.990  0.038   0.021
2458373.74595   2018-09-12.2445671      bf      1.43    16.982  >16.982 99.990  -0.045  0.124
2458375.65311   2018-09-14.1516868      bn      1.48    17.629  16.197  0.058   1.205   0.065
2458375.70938   2018-09-14.2074532      be      1.51    17.317  15.785  0.053   1.862   0.091
2458375.74367   2018-09-14.2422494      bf      1.46    17.059  14.970  0.032   3.942   0.115
2458376.53243   2018-09-15.0305061      bm      1.71    16.437  13.128  0.010   20.368  0.197
2458376.53823   2018-09-15.0367901      bn      1.58    16.450  13.020  0.009   22.487  0.194


K. Stanek

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