[vsnet-alert 22591] ASASSN-18wa: stage A superhumps

Yasuyuki WAKAMATSU wakamatsu at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 3 08:53:46 JST 2018

ASASSN-18wa: stage A superhumps

Tonny Vanmunster, Geoff Stone, Tamas Tordai, Itoh-san and Kyoto U. team
reported further observations.
The object shows clear superhumps with the period of 0.0554(2) d and the
amplitude of 0.2 mag. The emergence of normal superhumps and longer
superhump period than previous one ([vsnet-alert 22565]) suggest that
the object now shows growing (stage A) superhumps.
Further observations are encouraged to derive a more accurate period.

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