[vsnet-alert 22770] EG Cnc: fading, but red

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Nov 25 14:22:11 JST 2018

EG Cnc: fading, but red

     Osaka Kyoiku U. team, Arto Oksanen and Kyoto U. team observed the object.
The object had been about 16.0-16.5 mag during the dip phases, means the intervals
of the multiple rebrightenings. The object was at V=16.15 on Nov. 23.7 but faded to
about V=16.8 in 6 hours. This behavior implies the end of the rebrightenings. It may
be worth mentioning that the color V-Ic was changed from 0.75 to 0.9, namely the
object became redder (cf. the SDSS color in quiescence g-r is -0.22). So the object is
not dead yet and might show further rebrightenings.  Actually, the object has continued
to show superhumps.
     Further observations are encouraged. Multi-color snapshots are also welcome.

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