[vsnet-alert 23007] NSV 1440 likely superoutburst

Keisuke Isogai isogai at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Feb 17 20:33:24 JST 2019

Judging from the large outburst amplitude, this outburst likely to be a superoutburst.
The previous normal outburst on Jan. 28 might have been a precursor outburst.
Such a long gap between a precursor and superoutburst was also seen in QZ Vir:
However, the gap of about 18 days is very long. Follow-up observations are strongly

On 2019年02月17日 04:04, Rod Stubbings wrote:
> NSV 1440 in bright outburst following a fainter outburst in January (16.2) which showed superhumps.
> NSV 1440       190216.717   130  Stu.RASNZ

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