[vsnet-alert 23019] TCP J06373299-0935420: 21-22 Feb. 2019 - correct dataset

Gianluca Masi gianluca at bellatrixobservatory.org
Fri Feb 22 20:14:55 JST 2019

Dear Colleagues,

I managed to make time-resolved photometry of this transient, via the Virtual Telescope's robotic facility in Italy, covering it for 5.3 hours. Observations where unfiltered.

I detected a clear, periodic modulation, with a full amplitude of 0.1 mag, likely resembling superhumps.

I period analysis, via PDM, provided an estimate for the period of Psh (h)= 1.57 +/- 0.15 hours.

Data will be sent to Kyoto for further analysis.

Gianluca MasiĀ 

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