[vsnet-alert 23219] ASASSN-14ey: SU UMa star?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed May 1 10:31:33 JST 2019

ASASSN-14ey: SU UMa star?


   There was a long outburst in 2018 June.
The proper motion is unusually large (population II CV?)

164046.872 -232104.48 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_6048099382031192576 plx=1.648(0.384) dismod=8.9 pmra=-41.486(0.693) pmdec=-46.879(0.560) G=19.118 BP=19.468 RP=18.495

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