[vsnet-alert 23250] ASASSN-19mn

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed May 15 10:53:57 JST 2019


   Confirmed to be a dwarf nova (ATel #12760).

ASASSN-19mn 	AT 2019fct 	TNS 	13:11:37.55 	-29:15:55.2 	2019-05-13.11 	16.05 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	CV or SN candidate, no Vizier match, posted to TNS, g>18.4 on 2019-05-11.03, g=17.4 on 2019-05-12.09, g=16.4 on 2019-05-13.11, g=16.4 on 2019-05-14.14.

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