[vsnet-alert 23531] Re: EI Psc in outburst

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso@yahoo.de via vsnet-alert vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 4 05:53:03 JST 2019

 Caught on the rise by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol
(Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and
Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K):

PSCEI 20190902.103 16.41g ASN
PSCEI 20190903.348 13.18g ASN

-------     Am Dienstag, 3. September 2019, 22:45:16 MESZ hat Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso at yahoo.de via vsnet-alert <vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Folgendes geschrieben:  
 EI PisciumĀ  (UGSU)
Orbital period: 0.044566904 d (64.176342 min)

Visual magnitude estimate by P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany:
PSCEI 20190903.847 124 SPK outburst
Sequence: AAVSO (V magnitudes)
Instrument: 203-mm SCT

Time-resolved photometry is recommended.
Clear skies,


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