[vsnet-alert 24457] ASASSN-20if: growing superhumps were caught

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 21 07:33:20 JST 2020

ASASSN-20if: growing superhumps were caught

   Josch Hambsch and Berto Monard have reported observations.
There were no superhumps on July 18 by Hambsch, but later
on July 18 low-amplitude superhumps emerged (Monard).
We thus have recorded stage A superhumps reasonably well.
Further observations will be very important to study
the evolution of superhumps, since long Porb systems
with rare outbursts tend to have long durations of stage A
(resembling WZ Sge stars).  The current superhump period
is 0.08794(8) d (shorter one in vsnet-alert 24456 is correct).

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