[vsnet-alert 24609] Gaia20dpd rapidly fading on Aug. 29

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso@yahoo.de via vsnet-alert vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 31 00:31:38 JST 2020

 Gaia20dpd (UGWZ)
Recent ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S
and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) light curve and data:
ZTF light curve:
Further time-resolved photometry is encouraged.

Clear skies,
     Am Montag, 17. August 2020, 01:41:27 MESZ hat Taichi Kato <tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Folgendes geschrieben:  
 Gaia20dpd: ordinary superhumps

  Andrew Simon and Kyoto U. team have reported further
observations.  The object showed ordinary superhumps
on Aug. 15-16 (amplitude 0.19 mag).
The period is 0.0564(2) d based on single-night data.
There remained some ambiguity in background trend
in Kyoto U. observation and the error may be a bit
larger.  The object is now confirmed as a genuine
WZ Sge-type star.


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