[vsnet-alert 24611] EK Aps: dwarf nova currently in outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 31 10:52:01 JST 2020

EK Aps: dwarf nova currently in outburst

Gaia20ear	AT2020sge	2020-08-02 14:27:43	262.97298	-67.71125	16.01	17.61	0.78	unknown	2020-08-30 19:33:12	outburst in Gaia source, previous outbursts in lightcurve, 12 arcsecs from known CV EK Aps

  The 14-the mag star at the GCVS position of EK Aps
is non-variable in ASAS-SN data.  This outbursting
object is most likely the true EK Aps.

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