[vsnet-alert 24733] DDE 167 = GALEX J033449.0+605920 outburst

Denis Denisenko d.v.denisenko@gmail.com via vsnet-alert vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Sep 27 16:35:00 JST 2020

This dwarf nova in Camelopardalis is in outburst on the recent ZTF
image on Sep. 26 at 07:04:30 UT. ZTF Lasair data (Masci et al., 2019):

DDE 167
  20200925.4244  20.42g  ZTF
  20200926.2948  15.17r  ZTF  Outburst!

ZTF light curve: https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/object/ZTF18abnvglc/

The previous outburst was detected in January this year, see
[vsnet-alert 23891]. Unfortunately it was noticed 10 days after the
beginning. This time the outburst has just started.

Type and period are unknown. Follow up photometry is encouraged.

AAVSO VSX entry: https://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top&oid=686886
Position: 03 34 49.07 +60 59 20.1
Range: 14.3-19.7r

Denis Denisenko

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