[vsnet-alert 24924] Please don't forget BO Cet

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 11 09:16:28 JST 2020

Please don't forget BO Cet

   There are several competing targets (such as VY Aqr),
but please don't forget to follow the very unusual
event in BO Cet.  Kyoto U. team, Vihorlat Obs. team and
Kiyota-san have reported some observations.  It appears
that the weather in Hambsch's site may have been
a bit worse and the overall quality of the data
has become somewhat worse.

   These data still showed superhumps with the same
period (stage B), but the amplitudes appear to have
been decreased.  It is crucial to know whether
this object behaves like a superoutburst (superhump
decay or transition to stage C and then fading).
Your observations are vital.

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