[vsnet-alert 25110] ASASSN-14hq: orbital period

Patrick Schmeer pasc1312-aavso@yahoo.de via vsnet-alert vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Dec 15 05:03:12 JST 2020

According to 2019MNRAS.486.2422P, the orbital period is
0.074327 d (= 1.7838 h = 107.03 min).
Eclipse ephemeris: HJDmin = 2456975.5967(2) + 0.074327(9) * E
ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S
and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) light curves and data:
Further time-resolved photometry is encouraged.
Clear skies,
     Am Montag, 14. Dezember 2020, 00:58:00 MEZ hat Taichi Kato <tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp> Folgendes geschrieben:  
 ASASSN-14hq: deeply eclipsing SU UMa-type dwarf nova

  Josch Hambsch has reported observations on two nights.
The object shows both superhumps and deep eclipses
(0.8 mag).  The orbital period is somewhat longer than
0.07 d.  I'll inform more details later.
(Currently the time resolution was not sufficient to
resolve the eclipses).  Observations from other southern
observers are welcomed.


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