[vsnet-alert 25420] Gaia21avt: probable galactic nova in Ophiuchus

FIDRICH Róbert fidusz@gmail.com via vsnet-alert vsnet-alert at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Feb 20 12:47:10 JST 2021

Discovery of probable galactic nova in Ophiuchus, Gaia21avt (AT 2021ddo) 
at mag 15.75 G, by the Gaia consortium.




ASAS-SN light curve:

Gaia21avt 2021-02-19.34 UT <16.9g ASN



Archival OGLE Observations Reveal Orbital Period of Gaia21avt (AT2021ddo)

The position of the transient is consistent with that of a faint star (I 
= 21.32 +/- 0.03 mag) listed as BLG611.07.120340 in the OGLE database.
The archival OGLE light curve of the source reveals eclipsing 
variability with a period of 0.9400430 +/- 0.000027 d. If the object is 
confirmed as a classical nova, this indicates that the system harbors an 
evolved secondary star, likely a subgiant


. . .

3x120s I-band and 3x120s R-band images scheduled with T21 at Mayhill, 
New Mexico.

Clear skies,

Róbert Fidrich

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