[vsnet-alert 25444] ASASSN-21br: superhump period

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Feb 24 09:45:15 JST 2021

ASASSN-21br: superhump period

> The PDM period analysis yields a single-peak variation with the amplitude
> of 0.04 mag and the period of 0.0261(2), likely an ordinary superhump.

   I obtained a period of 0.02607(6) d.
The period has been well determined by a long continuous
run by Monard and a short one by Hambsch following
Monard's run (no aliases appeared).  Combined with
Hambsch's runs on three previous nights, there appeared
a single sharp signal.  The shorter alias reported in
ATel #14421 appears to be the correct period.

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