[vsnet-alert 25588] Re: [vsnet-campaign-dn 15472] ASASSN-17eq superoutburst

Marc Deldem marc.deldem at free.fr
Wed Mar 24 08:11:16 JST 2021

On the night of 2021 March 23/24, on a short session (3h30), superhumps 
are visibled on ASASSN-17eq  with an amplitude of 0.2 magnitude and a 
superhumps period around 0.0712 days.
The object was at mag 14.9 (CV).

Data have been sent to the AAVSO database.

Best regards,
Marc Deldem

Le 22/03/2021 à 01:56, Taichi Kato a écrit :
> ASASSN-17eq superoutburst
>    YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
>    20210308.5682 <156c  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20210309.6587 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20210309.774  <161c  (Mitsutaka Hiraga)
>    20210310.6447 <154c  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20210313.6855 135cG  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20210317.6966 138cG  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20210317.723  140c  (Mitsutaka Hiraga)

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