[vsnet-alert 25722] ZTF21aavqior: a large-amplitude (>~7 mag) CV candidate?

Kenta TAGUCHI kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 16 09:08:26 JST 2021

 From the public ZTF data, I find ZTF21aavqior out as a CV(/Nova?) 
candidate in a large-amplitude (> ~7 mag) outburst.
Its position is (RA, Dec) = (16:36:32.803, -10:09:50.548), or (l, b) = 
(6.54118, 23.94624).

The URLs for ZTF information:
Lasair: https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/object/ZTF21aavqior/
Alerce: https://alerce.online/object/ZTF21aavqior/

First detections by ZTF:
r = 14.940 ± 0.023 on 2021-04-15.390
g = 15.088 ± 0.021 on 2021-04-15.437

Last non-detections by ZTF:
r > 17.760 on 2021-04-11.444
g > 19.546 on 2021-04-11.477

Last non-detection by ASAS-SN:
g > 16.829 on 2021-04-14.3950612

This is the result of ASAS-SN Sky Patrol:
(Has it been V ~ 17 in the past?)

There are no counterparts and no detections by PS1 (limiting mag ~ 23, 
which means the outburst amplitude > ~7 mag).
No known minor planets brighter than 18 mag are found by the Minor 
Planet Checker (https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/cgi-bin/checkmp.cgi).

If you have any comments or additional information, please let me know.

Best Regards,
  田口 健太 (TAGUCHI, Kenta)
  (Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp <mailto:kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>

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