[vsnet-alert 26014] ZTF21abilubd: a large-amplitude CV candidate

Kenta TAGUCHI kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 30 21:07:42 JST 2021

Using my private scraping system,

I've just found ZTF21abilubd out as a large-amplitude (> 6 mag in r) CV 
candidate from the public ZTF data.

Lasair: https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/object/ZTF21abilubd/ 

ALeRCE: https://alerce.online/object/ZTF21abilubd/ 

MARS: https://mars.lco.global/?objectId=ZTF21abilubd 

According to ALeRCE, the position is (RA, Dec) = (18:32:30.39, +18:41:22.6)

Last non-detections by ZTF:

g > 19.685 on 2021-06-27.288 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

r > 19.7916 on 2021-06-28.384 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

First detections by ZTF:

r = 15.563 on 2021-06-29.333 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

g = 15.078 on 2021-06-30.290 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

The result of ASAS-SN Sky Patrol: 

It looks a nearby star is contaminated, but two possible past outbursts 
may have been recorded in 2015, 2018.

There is a possible counterpart in PS1 data: r = 21.83, i = 21.60, y = 
15.96, z = 15.80

It's position is (RA, Dec) = (18:32:30.39, +18:41:22.5)

g magnitude is not recorded in PS1 mean object catalog.

No known minor planets are found by the Minor Planet Checker

( https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/cgi-bin/checkmp.cgi 

  田口 健太 (TAGUCHI, Kenta)
  (Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp <mailto:kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>

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