[vsnet-alert 26058] ZTF21ablazyz: a large-amplitude (~ 7.3 mag) CV candidate with known Gaia parallax

Kenta TAGUCHI kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Jul 15 20:01:52 JST 2021

Dear all,

I'm afraid I've made a typo on the title of [vsnet-alert 26057].
The object is not ZTF21abilubd but ZTF21ablazyz.

I'm sorry for the typo.

Best Regards,

On 2021/07/15 19:55, Kenta TAGUCHI wrote:
> Dear friends,
> Using my private system scraping MARS ( https://mars.lco.global/ ),
> I've just found ZTF21ablazyz out as a large-amplitude (~ 7.3 mag) CV 
> candidate from the public ZTF data.
> (I'm sorry if someone has already reported it.)
> Lasair: https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/object/ZTF21ablazyz/
> ALeRCE: https://alerce.online/object/ZTF21ablazyz/
> MARS: https://mars.lco.global/?objectId=ZTF21ablazyz
> According to ALeRCE, the position is (RA, Dec) = (19:32:25.080, 
> -9:19:33.23)
> Last non-detections by ZTF:
> g > 20.266 on 2021-07-10.32 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)
> First detections by ZTF:
> g = 14.539 +/- 0.030 on 2021-07-12.28 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)
> g = 13.198 +/- 0.029 on 2021-07-15.34 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)
> The result of ASAS-SN Sky Patrol: 
> https://asas-sn.osu.edu/sky-patrol/coordinate/e65084ea-340f-4913-b668-f01880ac9016
> It looks that a nearby star is contaminated to the quiescent 
> magnitude, however, it also confirms the proceeding outburst.
> No such large past outbursts seem to be recorded.
> g = 16.523 on 2021-07-09.8528981 (the last data before the outburst, 
> may be contaminated)
> g = 14.365 on 2021-07-12.2723774 (the first data after outburst started)
> g = 13.232 on 2021-07-15.3720369 (the most recent data)
> There is a possible counterpart in PS1 data: r = 20.42, i = 20.48, y = 
> 19.53, z = 19.75
> g magnitude is not recorded in PS1 mean object catalog.
> However, g = 20.49 is recorded in the Gaia catalog (so, the amplitude 
> of the outburst is ~ 7.3 mag)
> Its parallax is 2.6904043184599056 +/- 1.3597997 mas.
> So, the distance modulus is ~7.85 (errors: +1.53 mag, -0.88 mag).
> No known minor planets are found by the Minor Planet Checker
> (https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/cgi-bin/checkmp.cgi).
> Best Regards and Clear Skies,
> Kenta
> -- 
> ________________________________________________________________
>  田口 健太 (TAGUCHI, Kenta)
>  京都大学大学院理学研究科宇宙物理学教室
>  (Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
> kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp <mailto:kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
>  09090536980
  田口 健太 (TAGUCHI, Kenta)
  (Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp <mailto:kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>

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