[vsnet-alert 26091] ZTF21abneypf: a CV candidate, whose amplitude > ~ 5.5 mag

Kenta TAGUCHI kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 27 19:54:25 JST 2021

Dear friends,

Using my private system scraping MARS ( https://mars.lco.global/ ),
I've just found ZTF21abneypf out as a CV candidate from the public ZTF data.
It's amplitude is > ~ 5.5 mag (assuming the limiting mag of PS1-g is 21.6).
(I'm sorry if someone has already reported it.)

Lasair: https://lasair.roe.ac.uk/object/ZTF21abneypf/
ALeRCE: https://alerce.online/object/ZTF21abneypf/
MARS: https://mars.lco.global/?objectId=ZTF21abneypf

According to ALeRCE, the position is (RA, Dec) = (00:41:20.675 +53:40:10.02)

Last non-detections by ZTF:
g > 20.4961 on 2021-07-16.41 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)
r > 20.5838 on 2021-07-16.47 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

First detections by ZTF (Very Blue!):
r = 18.623 +/- 0.060 on 2021-07-20.41 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)
g = 17.773 +/- 0.048 on 2021-07-20.46 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

Second detections by ZTF:
r = 16.115 +/- 0.035 on 2021-07-23.39 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)
g = 15.902 +/- 0.033 on 2021-07-23.45 (ZTF, 'difference mag' via ALeRCE)

The result of ASAS-SN Sky Patrol: 
It confirms the ongoing outburst, and it also looks that a nearby star 
is contaminated to the quiescent magnitude, however, it looks another 
past outburst was occurred in 2017.

There are no possible counterparts recorded in the PS1 mean object catalog.

No known minor planets are found by the Minor Planet Checker

Best Regards and Clear Skies,
  田口 健太 (TAGUCHI, Kenta)
  (Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)
kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp <mailto:kentagch at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>

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