[Vsnet-alert 8444] V Sge Campaign stopped

Karol Petrik kpetrik at astronyx.sk
Sat Jun 11 01:32:09 JST 2005

Dear observers,

thank You very much for all the data and Your enthusiasm during the V Sge campaign. We are really very thankfull to You.

They sent me the information from Canada about the spectroscopic observations. We were succesfull to obtain two more obs. runs in two nights. Now we have 10 spectra of  V Sge in three different nights, some of them phase-resolved and 4 low dispersion spectra that spanned full range of lamda from around 300nm to 850nm.

I have to write to all of You, despite I am said right now, that the campaign can be stopped. Nevertheless, if You will look at the graph I sent You, You would see that the star is very crazy and the light curve level changes very rapidly. That is why our observations should NOT stop to monitor this star for this season if possible.
Surely, at the Hlohovec Observatory, we will continue to look at this star as much as possible during this summer. If You are interested, please let us know, we will be happy if You could join us. 

Anyway, thank You very much for the time You spent involved in our campaign. 

With my very best regards,

Department of Physics
Faculty of Education
Trnava University
Priemyselna 4         tel.: 00421 33  55 12 485, 55 14 618, 55 16 047
918 43 Trnava          fax: 00421 33  55 16 047              

web:  www.truni.sk   e-mail: kpetrik at astronyx.sk
mobile/cell: Orange 00421 905 23 65 01
                   Eurotel 00421 903 263 178
Hlohovec Observatory and Planetarium   
Sladkovicova 41         tel.: 00421 33  730 1828
920 01 Hlohovec         fax: 00421 33  733 1912               
SLOVAKIA                ICO: 360 88 269    
web:  www.portcoeli.sk   e-mail: kpetrik at astronyx.sk
mobile/cell: Orange 00421 905  23 65 01
             Eurotel 00421 903  263 178

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