[vsnet-alert 8663] Poss. Nova Cen 2005

Alexandre Amorim costeira1 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 01:01:15 JST 2005

Dear colleagues,

New information about Poss. Nova Cen is at site:


The AAX's observation was taken in 20050903.9257

[]s do Alex!

--- Sebastian Otero <varsao at fullzero.com.ar> escreveu:

> Dear colleagues,
> Using the approximate position in the visual chart by Alexandre
> Amorim
> http://costeira1.astrodatabase.net/variaveis/ncen05a.gif
> I have plotted the nova in a new chart with magnitudes down to V=
> 11.2:
> http://ar.geocities.com/varsao/Carta_Nova_Cen_2005.htm
> Alex observations show the star at mag. 10.0. Past maximum?
> Best wishes,
> Sebastian.

********* Alexandre Amorim ***********
*        Estacao  Costeira1          *
*         Florianopolis/SC           *
*    email: costeira1 at yahoo.com      *
* http://costeira1.astrodatabase.net *


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