[vsnet-alert 8736] Re: Symbiotic stars YY Her in outburst

Bc. Lubos Brat brat at pod.snezkou.cz
Mon Oct 24 23:36:12 JST 2005

The latest light curve and some detailed information abou this outburst can 
be find in Open European Journal on Variable stars - OEJV# 0005 ~ Outburst 
of symbiotic variable YY Her by L. Smelcer.


Bc. Lubos Brat
- ALTAN.Observatory
- http://pod.snezkou.cz/altan

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ladislav Smelcer" <lsmelcer at astrovm.cz>
To: <vsnet-alert at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:15 PM
Subject: [vsnet-alert 8732] Symbiotic stars YY Her in outburst

11.10.2005 (JD 2453655) V=13.01  R=11.68  I=10.54
19.10.2005 (JD 2453663) V=12.70  R=11.54  I=10.46
22.10.2005 (JD 2453666) V=12.48  R=11.44  I=10.40

                                           Best regards    Ladislav Smelcer
Valasske Mezirici
                                                                  lsmelcer at astrovm.cz

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