[vsnet-alert 8766] TSS 022216.4+412260: the superoutburst fading

Kaori Kubota kaori.k at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Dec 1 23:42:14 JST 2005

Dear colleagues,

The WZ Sge-star candidate, TSS 022216.4+412260 start fading.  
The Kyoto Team (Kubota, Imada, and Kato) detected superhump
 also on Nov. 27 and 29.  The best estimated period of Nov. 23 to 27 and 29
 is 0.0555(0) days. (See other reports, vsnet-alert 8761 and 
vsnet-alert 8764).  

Now the magnitude of the object is too faint (17-18 mag).  
But alomost WZ Sge-star occur rebrightning.  
So please continue to notice J0222 !

If you succeed in observing the object, please report your
 obervations to
vsnet-campaign-report at ooruri.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp .

Best regards,
 Kaori Kubota
 On behalf of the VSNET Collaboration Team

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