[vsnet-alert 8881] [FWD] possible CV?

Hitoshi YAMAOKA yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Sun Mar 12 23:11:34 JST 2006

>From: "Odd Trondal" <otrondal at online.no>
Subject: Possible CV variable ?
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 14:42:41 +0100

   we, Michael Schwartz, Paul Luckas and Odd Trondal,  in the course of the 
Tenagra Observatory Supernova Search, found a variable star ( mag 15.8 ) at 
R.A. 09h 31m 42s.507    Dec. -30o 13' 00".3  ( J2000 ) on Feb 23.594 near 
the galaxy ESO 434-G011.
 Nothing was visible at this position on an image taken on Jan 21.729, and 
nothing is visible on DSS II.

 The star disappeared just as sudden as it appeared ( but now we know of its 
existence ). Here is my magnitude estimates :

Yours Sincerely
Odd Trondal 

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