[vsnet-alert 8906] Suzaku SS433 observation campaign

Kaori Kubota kaori.k at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Apr 6 04:41:31 JST 2006

Dear VSNET observers,

Sorry, if you recive message twice.

I informed that we are organizing SS433 observation campaign using Suzaku and
 many optical observers in [vsnet-alert 8892].  Thank you very much your 

In this e-mail, I would like to give you an information that SS433 photometry
 obserbers attend.  

The attached file is the finding chart of SS433 which is take by MITSuME Okayama
telescope at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (Japan) on 2006/04/03.  
When we use Comp.A as a comparison star, ~0.2mag variations are detected.  
But, when we use Comp.B, NO variations are detected. 
Star name, magnitude, RA and dec. of these stars in USNO catalogue are follow;

    RA(J2000): 19:12:07.0, DEC(J2000): +05:01:03
    USNO : U0900_14158083
    r = 11.9, b = 14.3

    RA(J2000): 19:12:07.8, DEC(J2000): +04:52:41
    USNO : U0900_14158712
    r = 11.8, b = 14.3

We think Comp.A may be variable and Comp.A is not suitable for comparison star. 
Comp.A is No.10 star in Leibowitz & Mendelson(1982),PASP,94.pp.977-978.  
Please attention when you do photometry.  

Best regards,
 Kaori kubota (kyoto University)
 email:kaori.k at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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