[vsnet-alert 8936] Re: [AVSON] V1186 Sco

Peter F Williams pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au
Mon Jun 26 20:59:24 JST 2006

Hi Alan / Berto,

I have just observed the field of V1186 Sco (Nova Sco 2004) and also confirm
the presence of an object, presumably the nova.  My previous observation was
at the end of 2004 observing season, also show below.


SCOV1186    20041010.434    135        WPX
SCOV1186    20060626.479    135        WPX


Peter Williams
Heathcote NSW

  -----Original Message-----
  From: AVSON at yahoogroups.com [mailto:AVSON at yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of
Berto Monard
  Sent: Monday, 26 June 2006 5:23 PM
  To: AVSON at yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [Disarmed] [AVSON] V1186 Sco

  Hi Alan,

  on JD 2453825.565 V1186 Sco showed at 13.7CR (unfiltered CCD magnitude).
If the nova has reddened it might be much fainter in V.

  Berto Monard

  >>> alan_plmmr at yahoo.com.au 25/06/2006 12:50 >>>
  Can anyone else see anything at the position of V1186 Sco? I glimpse
  something sometimes at the limit of my myopic 20cm mirror. The ASAS
  curve is amiguous, and the Aladin atlas sugests that there is nothing
  else there that I should see. It would be nice to know if my obs. are
  accurate. Can anyone help? Thanks. Alan.

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