[vsnet-alert 9317] Re: GW Lib: genuine superhumps, initial growth also recorded

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Apr 24 13:17:10 JST 2007

Dear all,

>   As Arai-san and Uemura-san reported, genuine superhumps
> were definitely detected on April 23 (Nakajima-san, Hiroshima
> observations, and Kyoto observations).  Part of the data
> is being analyzed and we will be able to duly inform updated
> results.

   The full amplitude of the superhumps on April 23 was 0.13 mag.
The hump shows a beautiful sharp peak with characteristic rapid rise
and slower decline.  Although no apparent brightening "glitch" was
present in the overall light curve, the fading trend has decreased
in comparison to earlier stages.

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