[vsnet-alert 9368] Re: Asking for confirmation image of possible SN

weidong li weidong at astro.berkeley.edu
Thu May 24 14:35:24 JST 2007

Dear Wolfgang,

I took an image of your candidate with KAIT and yes, it is
a new SN. Congratulations!

Here are  more information about the confirmation image --
you might want to include these as part of your SN report:

W. Li, University of California at Berkeley, confirmed the new object
with the Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT) at Lick Observatory.
The object is at mag 17.5 on May 24.21 UT, and is located at R.A. = 
12h42m45s.18, Decl. = +55o08'57".1 (J2000), which is 21".5 east and 
13".5 north of the nucleus of NGC 4644. A KAIT image on May 16.22 UT 
showed nothing at this location (limiting mag 19.0)

An image can be found at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~weidong/n4644.gif
(the red circle 1 is your SN).


On Thu, 24 May 2007, Wolfgang.Kloehr wrote:

> Dear List,
> i would like to ask for a confirmation of a good canidate for a possible SN.
> As usual the weather will be bad here in germany the next days, so i'm not able to
> take any confirmation. Image is from this night 2007-05-24 00:34:10 UT
> The object is ~Mag.: 16.1CR
> Is there anyone who can do this ?
> Image and data can be found here:
> http://www.dsi-astronomie.de/NGC4644.htmHope this will be no false alarm.No minor planets or known variables found at this position/time this time
> thanks for your efforts
> regards Wolfgang Kloehr

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