[vsnet-alert 9437] Re: V343 Ser (AS 289) variation and periodicity

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Jul 29 14:39:34 JST 2007

> 1) if the variation is from a Mira star, it would be rather
> unusual to see such amplitudes in a outbursting symbiotic binary.
> Why didn't see similar variations (despite small number of
> past observations) before the 1994 outburst?

   Among known symbiotic Miras, the light variation resembles
BI Cru in their V-band amplitudes and irregularities (though
periods are somewhat different).  The Mira-type variation is
less marked in V407 Cyg in outburst, but is apparent in less
active states.

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