[vsnet-alert 9644] Re: 1RXS J023238.8-371812 superhumps

arne arne at aavso.org
Sat Oct 6 03:16:51 JST 2007

Greg Bolt wrote:
> I obtained time series data for this object last night for 8hrs and it is now
> displaying 0.1 magnitude superhumps with period ~ 0.066 days
> My astrometry for the object is:
> 02:32:38.13
> -37:17:54.8
> with fit residuals < 0.1"
My astrometry at Sonoita Research Observatory (Arizona) gives
essentially the same astrometry, using UCAC2 as the reference catalog:

02:32:38.13 -37:17:54.7 J2000, epoch 2007.83

fit residuals 60mas.  This is 0.8arcsec from the 18th mag USNOB star at
02:32:38.06 -37:17:54.9, that is listed as having 128mas/yr proper
motion in RA, which would give just about the current position within error
when proper motion is applied.  This large proper motion and the
dwarf novae classification would imply that the object is fairly nearby;
the 6-7mag outburst amplitude and single outburst would support the
WZ Sge classification.

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