[vsnet-alert 9728] variable star reported on CBET 1144

Hitoshi YAMAOKA yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 21 10:04:04 JST 2007

Dear all,

  A variable star in Centaurus is reported on CBET 1144 with the
position of R.A. = 14h12m37s.22, Decl. = -56d35'50".4 (equinox
2000.0).  It is a fairly bright IR source:

USNOB1.0  14:12:37.23  -56:35:50.1  R1=16.83 R2=16.65 I=13.15
GSC2.3    14:12:37.18  -56:35:50.0  F=16.79 N=12.33
2MASS     14:12:37.21  -56:35:50.1  J=10.480 H=9.370 Ks=8.691

, so it is likely a red variable with a large amplitude.

Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan
yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp

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