[vsnet-campaign-dn 10782] ASASSN-14fu: ultrashort-period object again?

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Aug 27 15:08:03 JST 2014

ASASSN-14fu: ultrashort-period object again?

   We have received observations from Ian Miller,
Osaka Kyoiku U. team and Javier Ruiz.  Although superhump
period could not be determined from early observations,
now it has become evident that after Aug. 20 can be
expressed by a period of 0.02572(1) d.  The mean amplitude
of this period has been 0.04 mag and the variation
has been sufficiently coherent.  Before Aug. 20,
the preferred period was 0.0255(1) d with a mean amplitude
of 0.03 mag.  The object may be again a new EI Psc-type
object (or less likely an AM CVn-type).
Further observations are encouraged.

   Dear Ian, could you provide astrometry of
the outbursting object?

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