[vsnet-campaign-dn 11725] ASASSN-15oe: very rapid fading, AM CVn-type?
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Thu Aug 20 09:29:29 JST 2015
ASASSN-15oe: very rapid fading, AM CVn-type?
Josch Hambsch has reported further observations.
The object faded by 2.3 mag between Aug. 18 and 19.
This fading rate is exceptional for a hydrogen-rich CV.
A period analysis of the data up to Aug. 18 yielded
a potential period of 0.02658(2) d. Although
the amplitude was small (0.03 mag) and the sampling
rate was insufficient, I suspect that the outburst
was from an AM CVn-type object. The relatively
short duration of the outburst appears to be
consistent with this classification.
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