[vsnet-campaign-dn 11730] ASASSN-15ot

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Aug 24 14:16:11 JST 2015


   One of the CRTS outbursts (brighter one of the two) reached
15.5 mag.  The light curve appeared to have a fading tail
similar to those of WZ Sge-type objects.  Probably worth

ASASSN-15ot 	--- 	------- 	4:49:29.99 	2:51:53.1 	2015-08-21.6 	15.9 	SDSS 	DSS 	VIZIER 	------- 	CV candidate, Matches to USNO B=18.8 source, previous CRTS outburst, V>17.3 on 2015-08-11.61, V=16.0 on 2015-08-21.61.

ASASSN-15ot 20150811.61 <173V ASN
ASASSN-15ot 20150821.61 160V ASN

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