[vsnet-campaign-dn 11749] ASASSN-14ei outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Sep 2 10:02:40 JST 2015

ASASSN-14ei outburst

   ASAS-SN detection.  This is an AM CVn-type object
with multiple rebrightenings.  If this outburst is
another superoutburst, the behavior of this object
does not resemble that of (helium counterpart of)
WZ Sge-like objects.
Further observations are strongly encouraged.

ASASSN-14ei	2:55:33.3	-47:50:42.1	16.2	2015/09/01 05:47	57266.241520000156	13.79	14.05	57266.24414

ASASSN-14ei 20150901.242 13.79V ASN
ASASSN-14ei 20150901.244 14.05V ASN

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