[vsnet-campaign-dn 11759] ASAS 224349+0809.5 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Sep 7 09:22:38 JST 2015

ASAS 224349+0809.5 outburst

   CRTS detection.  Likely superoutburst (2009 and 2013
superoutbursts were observed).

CSS091016:224348+080927	22:43:48.46	08:09:27.07	16.26	2015/09/05 12:19	57270.513210000005	13.23	12.96	57271.47309

ASAS224349+0809.5 20150905.513 13.23V ASN
ASAS224349+0809.5 20150906.473 12.96V ASN

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