[vsnet-campaign-dn 13372] Re: [vsnet-alert 22250] V419 Lyr superoutburst

Marc Deldem marc.deldem at free.fr
Fri Jun 29 06:42:45 JST 2018


Here are some results of Jun 25/26/27 unfiltered CCD photometry sessions 
of V419 Lyr.
Observations were made at IAU K22 Les Barres Observatory (FRANCE), using 
a 0.20-m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain  (f/8.1 with focal reducer) and SBIG 
The image scale was 1.13"/pixel. Exposure times were 120 seconds and two 
consecutive frames were merged to improve the SNR.
Muniwin software was used to do aperture photometry. Ensemble photometry 
with 5 reference stars was done, using URAT1 catalog.

The lightcurve presents superhumps.
A period analysis using the ANOVA method (Peranso) yields to a period of 
0.089966 (d).
This result is consistent with this reference: 

The object was at average magnitude of:
15.73 (unfiltered) on Jun 25th.
15.85 (unfiltered) on Jun 26th.
16.15 (unfiltered) on Jun 27th.

V419 Lyr becomes too faint for my setup.

Observations were sent to AAVSO.

Best Regards,
Marc Deldem

Le 25/06/2018 à 01:44, Taichi Kato a écrit :
> V419 Lyr superoutburst
>    YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
>    20180612.562  <160c  (Mitsutaka Hiraga)
>    20180612.6540 <158c  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20180613.6514 <149c  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20180615.6734 <163c  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20180615.785  <162c  (Mitsutaka Hiraga)
>    20180616.5812 155cG  (Yutaka Maeda)
>    20180621.5649 150cG  (Yutaka Maeda)

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