[vsnet-campaign-dn 13494] V677 And outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Aug 28 08:41:27 JST 2018

V677 And outburst

   According to Lew Cook, this object is in outburst.

I was taking a series of short shots of V455 And and I noticed V677 And was
up last night. I stacked ~2700 sec and got the attached stacked image. I am
stacking images to develop a light curve.


Stupid me! I forgot to mention that the magnitude of V677 And was 18.45 +/-
0.03 CV based on the 14.9 AAVSO comp. at the mid-point of the 45 minute
stacking time (JD 2458356.857).

Lewis M. Cook (Lew)

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