[vsnet-campaign-dn 13618] EG Cnc: stage A superhumps

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Oct 10 11:12:34 JST 2018

EG Cnc: stage A superhumps

   The current outburst is a typical combination
of a distinct precursor and a superoutburst.
Superhumps emerged during the fading part of
the precursor.  The period has been stable up to now.
The mean value is 0.06056(3) d.
As inferred from the superhump evolution, the current
stage is likely A.  If it is the case, we obtained
q=0.025 using Patterson et al.'s orbital period
of 0.05997 d.  Using an alias 0.05877 d, q=0.080.
Although I personally considered the period 0.05997 d
is correct (as I adopted in Pdot paper in 2009),
the current very small epsilon looks very unusual.
Further development of superhumps may change this
stage interpretation and q estimation.

   The stage of early superhumps was unfortunately
not recorded.  It may have not been present (or it must
have been very short) in the current superoutburst.

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