[vsnet-campaign-dn 14110] ATO J309.0579+02.7898: bright dwarf nova

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Jul 23 14:09:49 JST 2019

ATO J309.0579+02.7898: bright dwarf nova

   The object currently looks like an SS Cyg star.
There was some hint of a standstill in late 2013.
Future observations may classify this object
as a Z Cam star.

ASAS-SN data:

2MASS 203613.924 +024723.88 (2000.0) 16.264 15.883 15.486 
203613.9 +024723 (2000.0) ATOJ309.0579+02.7898 LPV c=14.806 o=15.064 P(LS)=0.967291 rms=1.53 
203613.904 +024723.40 (2000.0) Gaia_DR2_4232892137967773824 plx=-(-) dismod=- pmra=-(-) pmdec=-(-) G=17.982 BP=18.203 RP=17.217
203613.970 +024724.25 (2000.0) GALEX_DR5_6379430413260034904 NUV=15.622(0.011) FUV=15.581(0.018)

   Although the formal name is ATO J309.0579+02.7898,
it would be called in hhmmss system for easier recognition
for optical observers. 2MASS J203613.924+024723.88
or even may be ATO J203613.90+024723.3 .

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