[vsnet-campaign-dn 15552] CRTS J074400.5+415504 bright outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Apr 7 09:39:02 JST 2021

CRTS J074400.5+415504 bright outburst

  The past ZTF data suggest an SU UMa star.
The current one is much brighter.

  YYYYMMDD(UT)   mag  observer
  20210402.1807 15.067zg  (Zwicky Transient Facility Lasair (Masci+ 2019))
  20210406.1812 16.062zr  (Zwicky Transient Facility Lasair (Masci+ 2019))
  20210406.2253 15.794zg  (Zwicky Transient Facility Lasair (Masci+ 2019))

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