[vsnet-campaign-dn 4459] (fwd) 2QZ J021927.9-304545 outburst

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Jul 4 08:22:46 JST 2005

(fwd) 2QZ J021927.9-304545 outburst

  Although the position is slightly different, there is a potentially
related ROSAT source.

  021922.5 -304510 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J021922.5-304511 0.014 0.40 0.52

From: "B Monard" <bmonard at mweb.co.za>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 17:39:40 +0200
Subject: [vsnet-alert 8521] 2dF J021927-3045 in bright outburst

This cv has been observed at CBA Pretoria since Jan 2005 and found to evolve
around 18.2CR.

My recent observation under not so good conditions and during dawn showed
this star to have brightened over more than 6 magnitudes:

2dF J021927-3045   20050702.171   119CR   MLF

Berto Monard
Bronberg Observatory / CBA Pretoria

Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 19:21:09 +0200 (CEST)
From: Patrick Schmeer <pasc1312-aavso at yahoo.de>
Subject: [vsnet-alert 8523] Re: 2dF J021927-3045 in bright outburst

According to ASAS-3 data 2QZ J021927.9-304545 (not 2dF ...)
underwent the following outbursts:

2000 Dec. 22.042 UT, V= 13.0
2001 Feb. 15.036 UT, V= 13.0
2001 Sep. 15.242 UT, V= 12.4
2001 Nov. 12.128 UT, V= 13.3
2002 Sep. 21.281 UT, V= 12.2
2003 Mar.  6.007 UT, V= 13.1
2003 Sep. 10.331 UT, V= 12.2
2003 Nov.  7.167 UT, V= 13.8
2004 Jan. 13.167 UT, V= 13.1
2005 Feb. 16.079 UT, V= 13.2
2005 July  3.416 UT, V= 12.5 (see Berto's message below)

The mean cycle length seems to be about 55 days.

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