[vsnet-campaign-dn 4491] FL TrA: superhump weakening

Makoto Uemura uemuram at hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Sat Aug 6 19:46:02 JST 2005

FL TrA: superhump weakening

    B. Monard kindly sent us new data sets on Aug 1 & 2.
The object is still in superoutburst, while superhump amplitudes 
weakened to <0.1 mag.  

    Superhumps sometimes re-grow after such a temporary diminishing 
phase with a slight brightening with the average magnitude in 
short-period SU UMa stars, for example, V1028 Cyg and RX Vol.  
Follow-up observations are important to study the evolution 
of accretion disks at the end of superoutburst. 
    The object is fading at 0.12 mag/day, a typical rate for 
ordinary SU UMa stars.

Makoto Uemura

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