[vsnet-campaign-dn 4543] CG Dra outburst and past information

Taichi Kato tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon Sep 26 09:14:16 JST 2005

   CG Dra (from cvnet)

DRACG 20050925.82 158C RPo

RPc: Roger Pickard

  The object was intensively monitored in 1995, mainly by
Makoto Iida with a CCD.  Frequent outbursts were recorded.

A sample image of an outburst (1995 June 17):

  I had visually observed the object in the past (the data
since 1988 should have been more reliable), yielding a
number of outburst detections.  The star underwent an
outburst (probably at least) once in month.

  According to Kolotovkina's research in the past,
6 outbursts were detected on 293 plates.  The duty cycle
of the outbursts (object brighter than 16p) was 7%.

  Hoffmeister (discoverer) classified the star as
"CN Ori-type", the shortest interval of outbursts being
17 days.

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