[vsnet-campaign-dn 4572] TSS J022216.4+412260 (ATEL)
Taichi Kato
tkato at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sun Nov 20 17:07:01 JST 2005
This finding is rather unusual for a dwarf nova.
Strong He II emission lines are seen in rare classes of
objects including high-inclination (eclipsing) systems
or WZ Sge-type dwarf novae. Pay attention.
The Astronomer's Telegram http://www.astronomerstelegram.org
Posted: Thu Nov 17 01:30:00 EST 2005 -- Sun Nov 20 01:30:01 EST 2005
ATEL #658 ATEL #658
Title: Dwarf Nova TSS J022216.4+412260
Author: R. Quimby, M. Sellers, P. Mondol (U. Texas) and The Nearby
Supernova Factory: P. Antilogus, S. Gilles, R. Pain, R. Pereira (Laboratoire
de Physique Nucleaire et de Haute Energies de Paris), N. Blanc, S.
Bongard, Y. Copin, E. Gangler, L. Sauge, G. Smadja (Institut de Physique
Nucleaire de Lyon), G. Aldering, S. Bailey, D. Kocevski, B. C. Lee,
S. Loken, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, R. Scalzo, R. C. Thomas, L. Wang,
B. A. Weaver (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA),
C. Bonnaud, E. Pecontal (Centre de Recherche Astronomique de Lyon),
R. Kessler (Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Chicago, IL),
C. Baltay, D. Rabinowitz, A. Bauer (Yale)
Queries: quimby at astro.as.utexas.edu
Posted: 19 Nov 2005; 19:03 UT
Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variables, Transients
We report the discovery of an optical transient using unfiltered CCD
images taken on November 16.1 UT (about 15.5 mag) and November 17.1 (also
about 15.5 mag) using the 0.45m ROTSE-IIIb telescope at the McDonald
Observatory. The object is located at RA = 02h22m16.4s DEC = +41o22'59.9"
(J2000; uncertainty +/- 0.5"). TSS J022216.4+412260 was not detected
in ROTSE-IIIb data from November 15.1 UT (limiting mag about 16.5).
The Nearby Supernova Factory adds that a spectrum (range 320-1000 nm)
of TSS J022216.4+412260 obtained November 18.6 UT with the Supernova
Integral Field Spectrograph on the University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope,
shows it to be a dwarf nova in outburst. The spectra reveal a blue continuum
with prominent H-alpha and HeII 4686 emission lines.
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